Wow! I never thought I would see this much snow in Greater Kansas City. The blizzard of February 1, 2011 dumped 14" of snow on Powell Gardens. We are open for visitors and we hope you will take time to experience this truly rare event.

The Visitor Center's prairie style architecture looks marvelous in the snowy landscape.

The Heartland Harvest Garden also looks snug in its blanket of snow. The snowy landscape really depicts the feel of a farmstead on the rich Midwestern plains.

The parking lot is plowed and its landscape's trees are finally gaining some size to punctuate its broad expansive feel. This Powell Gardens landscape is evolving from sunny prairie to a savanna -- a prairie with scattered trees.

Evergreen, deciduous, marcescent: do you know what they all mean? The dark evergreens with picturesque form in this shot are evergreen 'Cannaertii' Redcedars (Juniperus virginiana). They hold their foliage year-round. The oaks just beyond them are Pin Oaks (Quercus palustris) and have hung on to their dead leaves: that's called marcescent. Small, young trees in the foreground and the old hickory in the background are bare now: deciduous.

These two young White Oaks (
Quercus alba) are also
marcescent. Many species of oaks do this and since they cannot speak, we can only speculate why. One theory is they held their leaves to make them less appealing for browsing animals to eat. Remember that great
herds of elk once roamed throughout the Midwest and those old
marcescent leaves were not appetizing and
deterred them from munching on nutritious buds beneath. When most oaks get bigger they usually become completely deciduous.

The tree with the picturesque winter pods is a
Kentucky Coffeetree (
Gymnocladus dioicus). Its botanical name makes a lot of sense if you understand Latin:
Gymno is naked -- because after its large multi-leaflet leaves drop the tree is very open with coarse twigs; appearing naked.
Dioicus describes that the species is
dioecious: meaning male and female flowers are on separate trees. The tree above is a female and her flowers form the pods with hard seeds. The tree to its immediate right is also a Kentucky
Coffeetree but it is
podless: it's a male, its flowers only produce pollen.

This scene in the drifts of snow in the parking lot also shows some plants with long black pods. These neat winter interest plants are
Wild Senna (
Senna /
Cassia marilandica). Yes they are relatives of the
coffeetrees in the same bean or legume family. The pods of this gorgeous perennial hold well all through the winter landscape unless a Wild Turkey finds them to snap them up for lunch.

This past fall I began to worry about a drought because it was SO dry. Now all the snowfall has provided wonderful moisture and protection to the gardens. Underneath the thick drifts of snow on the terrace garden beds lie happy little pansies and violas snug in their winter blanket.

Temperatures at
KCI airport recorded -12F tying a record on Thursday morning. The low at Powell Garden's official site in a cold pocket was -11.5F, the coldest it's been here since 1997. The local low varied from around -5F to 10 degrees colder in open, low lying areas. This Victoria Southern Magnolia is one of the hardiest and should be fine through this cold snap. It always helps to know your
microclimates and plant more tender plants in mild positions sheltered by buildings and existing mature trees.

Donna Covell is our Greenhouse Grower and her work keeps her in a much different environment! We have 9 greenhouses and they are full of flowers for spring at Powell Gardens and for our Centerpiece Display we will be installing next week at the Metropolitan Lawn and Garden Show at the American Royal in Kansas City.

Our Metropolitan Show Garden will be the
'Garden of Eat'n' showcasing edible plants and its 30 x 3o' vegetable garden was designed by Heartland Harvest Garden Horticulturist
Matt Bunch who here is inspecting Ruby Perfection Cabbage for the display.

Here's Ruby Perfection Cabbage with ferny-leaved Fennel behind, also destined for the Metropolitan Lawn and Garden Show.

Dark red-leaved 'Bull's Blood' Beets are in the foreground with Society Garlic's vertical variegated leaves in the middle with purple basil and chard in the background. A beautiful landscape can easily be created by the wonderful foliage colors and textures of many of our favorite edible plants.

Flower like these fragrant Stocks will also enhance our Metro Show Garden so you will experience a complete preview of spring and a well grown garden. Make sure to mark your calendar for February 11
th -13
th and come see us at the Metropolitan Lawn and Garden Show. We'll have all sorts of tips and ideas for you to grow your own edible garden at home. Until then don't let cabin fever keep you indoors, get out and experience the wonderful winter landscape now on display at Powell Gardens! It may be several more lifetimes until we experience such a snowy landscape again.