Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Little Bulbs Compose a Spring Scene

Many of the exquisite but small bulbs of spring are currently in full bloom. When planted in masses these little beauties can create quite a splash.
The Glory-of-the-Snow Chionodoxa forbesii is one of my favorites with porcelain blue flowers. Look for this beauty in the Rock & Waterfall Garden.
The little Puschkinia (Puschkinia libanotica) has spread into impressive carpets in the Rock & Waterfall Garden. My macro lens allows for a close view of its floral details.
Native White Trout Lilies (Erythronium sp.) can be found wild in the Rock & Waterfall Garden as well as in woods along the Nature Trail. We have a transitional population that may be a blend of two species.
Grape-Hyacinths (Muscari aucheri) create beautiful bunches of dark blue flowers topped with sky blue fertile flowers. Look for these on the Island Garden.
This wonderful composition of creamy yellow City of Haarlem Hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis) underplanted with Blue Windflowers (Anemone blanda) creates quite a harmony. This image is from the Island Garden.
This color echo of City of Haarlem Hyacinths in bud with yellow variegated 'Color Guard' Yucca is also an outstanding plant composition on the Island Garden.

The new foliage of many of the peonies in the Perennial Garden is beautifully ruddy red or purple at this season. A great color combo with dark blue Peter Stuyvesant Hyacinths.
No foolin', all images taken on April 1, 2009 at Powell Gardens. Powell Gardens' grounds are glorious with spring flowers! Bring your bulb catalogs to make notes on what you must have for your own garden in 2010.

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